Data Sources for Media: ANA free paper

This week the ANA published a helpful guide to using data in media buying. It is available for free (see link below). Third-party audience data allows advertisers to target consumers based on characteristics such as demographics, interests, and location. It helps buyers reach niche audiences across the web and app landscapes. Selecting a data provider to partner with or an audience segment to leverage can be difficult given the wealth of options. This guide arms you with criteria to focus on to ensure the data you're paying for is quality.

  1. Data Accuracy: What assumptions does the data make, e.g., are visitors to an auto website actually more likely to buy cars?

  2. Data Precision: Are the data collection and modeling procedures sufficiently precise, e.g., does the vendor use a lookalike model that assigns people to the audience who shouldn't actually be included?

  3. Data Recency: How regularly is the data refreshed? When was it last refreshed?

  4. Data Coverage: Does the dataset cover enough of my intended campaign audience to provide necessary scale for my client's campaign?

  5. Data Deployability: Can I use the data with my chosen tech partners?